Liklia realized the predicament and chuckled. “Lad, I’ve got grandchildren older than you. And when I tell them to do something, they do it. It won’t be any different for you. Now, get in the water and let me have those dirty clothes.”
The kid went behindthe tub, though they could both still see most of him. There, he quickly pulled off his shirt and tossed it to Liklia. Next, he pulled off his pants and underclothes in one go and clutched them tight as he hopped into the water. He flashed his bare body for as short a time as possible. A thin film of bubbles distorted any view inside the tub.
“Don’t get water on my floor, whelp,” Liklia said, bending to pick up Markle’s discarded shirt. “Now the others.”
Still blushing, Markle threw her the rest of his clothing.