Chapter 19

Markle laughed mirthlessly. “My mother loved me so much, Frye, I know she did. She knew I hurt, that I longed to fit in. She really hoped that one of the fishermen would eventually take me as a wife. She wanted me to stay. It broke her heart when I left.”

“She taught you all she knew? About sewing, music, herbs?”

“Yeah. She passed along all her teachings, as she would have to a daughter.”

The mother, Frye thought. Maybe she’d passed on magic too? But then why see the herb witch if she could perform the spell herself? It made no sense.

“What of your family?” Markle asked. “You have siblings? You sort of strike me as an only child.”

“All my family is dead,” Frye confessed. “That’s why I left my home. I didn’t have anyone to keep me there.”