Chapter 25

“I wondered if I might entertain your patrons. I dance, and my performance is quite a sight to see.”

She barely hesitated, which showed that these “morals” the people in this area spouted could be waved for a price.

“You may, of course, after this set is done. But I do charge for the use of my stage.”

Frye nodded. “Name your price.”

“Five gold coins.”

He didn’t even need to act shocked. Five! Ridiculous! He sputtered. “That’s insane!”

The woman shrugged and her smile deepened.

Frye pinched his lips but lowered his chin in a nod. Now he felt even better about robbing her blind. This was extortion. The women in the band playing now must have paid even more for the three of them. Unbelievable.

Frye dug into his sack for his money pouch. He produced five coins and handed them over.

“They should be playing one more song,” the innkeeper said.

“My thanks,” Frye replied.