They quickly made their way through their inn’s common room, but slowed down on the stairs. The narrow passage made it difficult for them both to fit.
Once in their room, Markle pulled free. Of course, at that same moment Frye let go, which put Markle off balance. He stumbled a few paces and grabbed the bed’s post to keep from falling.
“You thief!” Markle said again.
“Be quiet, Markle.”
“I will not! You robbed me! You took all I had! Then you pretended to be my friend, but you were only using me.”
The dancer scoffed. “Using you? For what?”
Markle drew a blank, but that didn’t matter for the moment. “Give me back my money!”
“I already did. Do you really think we earned that much at Rooster’s Cawlast night? I gave you half we earned and paid the rest of what I owed you.”
That drew Markle up short. But not for long. “What about those other poor fishermen? Why aren’t you just as concerned about them?”