Chapter 36

A memory of his mother swam into his mind. Of her singing as she cooked dinner, Markle accompanying her with his lute, or flute, or drum. They’d reach the refrain and he’d pause. She’d take over the performance, her beautiful, strong voice echoing off the kitchen’s wooden walls.

Voice. It could be an instrument too. But how to use it?

Think of the fire, Frye had prompted last night, getting Markle to unwittingly activate his dormant magic. Fire would do the trick now, if he could direct it at their binds.

“I don’t believe you,” Markle said. “In my village, our god, Farlain, forbade magic. We used to hold festivals on the beach, around campfires, and sing about the eradication of magic. It was all taken away eons ago. There is no magic.”

“And just what do you know about the world, little pet?” the other man asked, leaning in close to Markle’s face. “Aren’t you just a fisherman? Do the fish you catch keep you up to date on the gossip in other places?”