David crossed his arms at Jason’s sarcasm. “Our son needs to have a father who is attentive for more than a weekend. I never complained about being with him and raising him.”
“David, David, come on, your baseball career was over by the time Quinn was born. Or right after anyway. You could have worked in one of my movies or done something in the business. At least you should have thanked me. You got extra promo for your autobiography when we started dating.”
“That’s my point. Having a family was a very important priority for me.”
“That’s too bad in a way. You could’ve done both. You had the opportunity. You just never took advantage of it. I could have made you into a star. Instead you wanted to play the retired-because-of-injury-baseball-player angle. Your days of going to yoga, teaching yoga, doing your baseball blog—I never complained about it because I knew you were there running the house, and taking care of our son.”