Chapter 33

“Seriously, I can help with the dishes.”

“Thanks, but I’ve got everything under control.”

“God, your dad was right about your OCD.”

David rolled his eyes. “Well, he should know. I got it from him.”

Kaden stretched out his hand and grabbed David, so they were face to face. “Were you in love with me in high school?”

For a moment there was an awkward silence when both locked eyes on each other. Kaden stared into those beautiful green eyes that he could never in a million years forget. “Yes.”

“I know I’m a little dense. And I’m not denying the consensus from the group tonight, but were you afraid to tell me?’

“Yes,” David said, exhaling as if he had kept this secret for so long that he was now happy to let it out. “I was afraid to tell you how I felt.”


“I don’t know. Maybe it’d scare you off. Or since our casual thing was getting less casual and more heated with more frequent visits to each other’s and since we—”