While mahi was in his dream world, his pet Phanter club was going under great transformation.

Next day morning mahi wakes up early in the morning and trys to get up but suddenly his hands felt like grabbing soft cotton and suddenly looks at place where his hand was.

Mahi jumps out of the bed and falls besides the bed on his butt.On the bed he saw a young girl in her late teens sleeping nakedly besides him.

Due to the sound of him falling to the ground that girl starts to open her eyes and watches mahi with great affection and lovingly.without any further any wast of time the girls throughs herself upon him calling him " master".

Seeing the girl who can rival the most of the goddess themself mahi astonished and shocked. He does not know what was going on so trys to calm down but fails to calm down because that girl is allover him suffocating him.

At the same time hearing the noise in mahi's room chen hurryly comes to his room only to see a beautiful girl completely naked is on mahi.Seeing this he immediately close the door and trys to walk away.

Mahi who is still suffocating under the girl strong grip seeing the chen reaction immediately calls him to explain the situation.

Mahi gives his clothes to her to wear because they don't have any woman clothes. After explaining the situation to chen ,chen makes O shape with his mouth in suprise. Then both of them eyes the heavenly beauty and starts to ask " Who are you?, How did you get hear?"asks the Mahi.

Hearing those questions girl tilts her head and makes a puzzled expression " I don't remember anything. The only thing remember is that I am contract beast of master and that master is you" said with a lovely voice.

When mahi hears that he immediately search for the Phanter club that he didn't see from the time he wake up from his sleep. Phanter club is nowhere to be seen .Seeing that a thought occours to mahi which he thought it is impossible to occur.

" System,what is going on hear? where is my pet and who is she ?" mahi asks the system. "The girl infront of you is your pet"says that system not knowing why he is asking such an question.

Hearing that answer mahi was shocked to the core.

"How is it possible? my pet is a black Phanter club but that is a girl who can rival the goddess". " Host don't call her Phanter club if she hears that she might choke you to the death despite the equal contract". " Oh , Why is that " ask mahi.

The next words what he heard makes him suprise.

" Because she a fallen angel who ones was the angle. If you comper her to that of loose Phanter club you do know right what will happen" says with a indifferent voice.

Hearing that answer from the system he suprised beyond his imagination. " system show me pet


[ Pet name : ....?

Exp : 0/50000

Cultivation level : core formation

Comprehension: 80 (understandings )

Spritual root's: super grade

Bloodline: Angle bloodline (unawakened)

luck : 80

charm : 90

Skills : flight ( using wings), strengthening (double strength for short period) ]

Seeing the stats of the fallen angel he was near to faint. After got out of the shock he tells what's was going on there to chen that he made a contract with the egg and the following events.

Mahi cleared the understanding of that event to chen. after understanding what was going on he asks with curious " so mahi , what are you going to do about her and what was her name will be".

He thought for a movement " what do you think about the name ' najiya' " he said.upon hearing the future name the fallen angel clap his hand and nods her head like a little kid accepting its gift.

Mahi nods his head in satisfaction and tells " Then your name is decided. And I will call you by 'naju' . Now that problem is solved let's talk about another problem at hand".

" Now that I am being the sect master I have to rebuild the sect to its former glory in order to do that what do we need ? ".

Hearing that question chen reply with serious face" First we need to rebuild the sect for that we need lots of money and main importantly we want food to eat there is no food in storage for us also".

Listings to that stupid answer mahi strik him on his head and correct him" what we need is not food you foody . we do need money to construct the sect and you don't have to think about the rebuilding of sect I will tack care of it. what we really need is to become strong to protect the sect and to get revenge. so we need to become strong".