Chapter 17

“Here is your drink, Master Lund,” Andy said, walking in. Then his dark eyes paused on Myles. “Can I get you anything, Mr. Myles?” he asked with a smirk.

But Myles didn’t respond to Andy’s attention. “Do you want something?” he asked Derek instead.

“Oh, no, I’m fine.” Derek went around the desk and sat at the computer. “Nick, you have sixty-two unread emails from this morning I think.”

Andy gave Myles one last appraising look and left.

“You shouldn’t be reading those.” With a concerned expression, Myles was leaning over Derek’s shoulder. “The screen’s gonna give you a headache. Let me read them and you can dictate the replies to me.”

“Wow. My very own personal secretary.”

Reassured, I stepped back to the door. They had things covered. I walked out into the hall, feeling the excitement in the air. The business was a drug to me. I went from high to high. I could never do anything else with my life. And that feeling was all I hoped to inspire in others.