“Myles, stop.” I pouted and frowned at him. “This is a relationship, isn’t it? I mean…right?”
He paused in the door and his eyes were full of sorrow. “Get dressed, agra. Let’s show Thor Lund how good he’s got it.”
I think Myles is going to leave Nick and I. I know how he works. He’s getting too close to happiness and that’s more terrifying to him than a night in a Siberian gulag.45: Let It Cool
“Nico!”Lene yelled over the sound of the chaos that was our Christmas family dinner, “pass the mash potatoes, please!”
In the other room, my father’s Christmas with Willie Nelsonalbum was playing on full blast, and at the table, Percy and Vivian were high on sugar, acting wild. Across from my seat, slumped over Myles’s lap, Violet-Rose was throwing her third tantrum of the evening, while at the other end of the table, Boone and my dad, both tipsy, shouted happily about politics, their favorite subject.