Chapter 38

At the picnic table, we kept a careful eye on the ducks—they could be very aggressive when you were eating and they thought you ought to be sharing and you weren’t. We also kept an eye on the weather. The sun didn’t know whether it wanted to shine or hide behind long, rolling clouds. Wind gusted through the park now and again, setting everything in fluttery motion. Yet it was eighty degrees, and summer had come at last.

Jackson’s parents had decided to rent a car and drive to Oxford so they could visit Faulkner’s house. They’d invited us to go along, but I had declined out of respect for homicide detectives who might have otherwise had to work a weekend shift. After the DHS visit, I wanted alone time with my boy. I could not take anyone else picking at me that day

Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell me? I signed after we finished the sandwich and sipped at our iced teas.

He looked uncomfortable.

You know you can always tell me everything, I signed. You know that, right?