Chapter 67

“I’m just kidding, darling. Wait till you have some of your own.”

“Well, about that, I was just saying—” Aunt Margret said.

“I heard you,” Mrs. Ledbetter said, nodding. “I’m quite sure we all heard you, dear. How could we not? I’ve always believed you should speak your mind, and speak it loudly and firmly. I do hate people who mumble. But you…you don’t need advice from me on that score, do you?”

Aunt Margret pursed her lips, staring at this bony Yankee woman as if she couldn’t decide whether she was being insulted or complimented.

“Are you a friend of the family?” Mrs. Ledbetter asked.

“Martha was married to my brother Elvis.”


I could see Aunt Margret resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

Jackson glanced at me, raised an eyebrow. Your dad’s name was Elvis? Are you frikkin’ kidding me?