Chapter 86

“You’re not big on forgiveness,” he observed.

“Why do you say that?”

“You’ve said some things here and there. I know you had trouble with your dad. And then there was the whole thing with Father Michael. I get the feeling it’s not easy for you to forgive.”

“Maybe,” I admitted.

“You’re still hurting.”


“You might feel better if you could forgive them and let it go.”

I said nothing.

“On the other hand, you could hold on to those hurts and keep being mad and upset and let it poison your future.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“Don’t mention it. And perhaps you could forgive God too, while you’re at it.”


“You know what I mean. Of course, you’re going to have to start by forgiving yourself.”

“Where are we now, Father?”

“You think about it for a while, Wiley. You’re a smart guy.”

“So you’re saying I should forgive him?”