“Well, several faces can be linked to you through location, right? Your old apartment, the TV station, Summer Storm’s…”
Just the name of the bistro made me cringe. “Me and a lot of other people,” I said, regarding Carmen’s theory. “My old building is sandwiched between a dry cleaner and a deli. There’s another apartment complex ten steps away, and a ton of homes right along the same street. If the faces are a message for someone, there are thousands of potential recipients right there. That four-way stop…there’s a bar, a bookstore, several restaurants, a TV station that employees hundreds of people, not just me. Oh, and a salon.”
“Where you used to get your hair cut, before you started butchering it yourself.”
I had to cop to that. “Fair enough. But there are lots and lots of homes and lots and lots of businesses where lots and lots of people who aren’t me go or reside everywhere there’s face.” I had to say that, too.