Z got out when we got to my apartment building. He was uncharacteristically quiet on the way there.
“You’ll get wet.”
“Getting wet is romantic.” He hugged me. We kissed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes. No. Tomorrow’s Saturday.”
“Oh. Monday, then.”
I wanted to ask him up. “Monday. No.” My heart sank. “I’m picking up my new truck in the morning. I won’t…”
“Maybe you can…” I nodded toward Abby barking at the window.
“I can’t.”
“Oh.” We got wetter.
“In case the sump pump…you know. Mr. Feldman will try to fix it.”
I had a feeling there was more to it. Z wasn’t himself. “Are you okay?”
“Maybe. I’m not sure, honestly.” That was all he would offer.
“Okay. I hope you will be.”
“Thank you, Nero.”
I could hardly see him now. My glasses were foggy and wet. “Thank you…for the rides, the cupcakes, the talks…”
“You’re welcome.”
We got even wetter. “We’ll—”
“Keep in touch,” Z said.