“Huh, Nero?”
“Do you?” Carmen asked.
“No.” I pulled free. “Why?”
“He can’t come to your house, because he doesn’t know where you live!” Carmen had a point, one’d she made by shaking me zealously with each syllable.
“Yeah, but—”
“You moved. Maybe he went to your old apartment. Maybe he’s there right now! Maybe there’s a trail of rose petals to your door or something, and he’s waiting for you to come home.”
“Crocus petals would be more appropriate,” I muttered.
“Too small.” Carmen stood. “Too hard to pluck.” She yanked. “Let’s take a ride.”
Abby was game. She was at the door, her tail wagging excitedly in no time. As for me, “I don’t wanna. It’s been a long day, and I like my sister’s couch,” I needed more prodding.
“Get up.” When Carmen tugged again, Abby got in on the act, nipping at my pant cuffs and shoelaces.
Resistance was futile when I was double teamed.
“Let’s blow this story wide open, Nero.”