WebNovel21 Smiles95.45%

Chapter 42

“You had to buy more bulbs. A woman who works at Rye Hardware ratted you out.”

Z laughed. “At first, I did fifteen faces. Then, I thought of six more. This fall, I’ll add to them.”

“This fall?” I asked.

“I hope for that, too.”

“This is awkward.” We’d come to a stop.

“What?” Z looked so distraught, I had to kiss him. I started at the lips on the sad face emblazoned onto the front of his shirt. “I want to make all your faces happy.” Then, I moved to his mouth, and saw happiness there. “That’s better. But…”


“I don’t live here anymore.”

Z had driven to my old apartment building. The two of us sat there and laughed, and then I pulled him into another kiss.

“God, I missed you. Such a short time,” I said. “Then, such a long time apart.”

“Nunca más. No more. Never again. If I go, you’ll come. I hope you will.”

“I’d like to. I’ve never been to Mexico. You’ll have to talk for me.”

“Sí. Why don’t you live here?” Z asked.