Chapter 15

When he went in, Dean Dotson sat in one corner of his office, while a stern-faced man in a three-piece suit and rumpled white shirt occupied his desk. Even as unfamiliar with federal agents as Jerry was, he recognized at once that’s what the man had to be.

“Sit down, Mr. Hoffmann,” the man said. “Don’t be nervous. I just need you to answer a few questions for me. Straight answers, simple answers are best. Honest answers, of course. You do understand?”

Jerry nodded, not sure he could force words out of his tight throat. “Yes, sir,” he mumbled.

The questions were almost anti-climactic in their nature. Had he ever used drugs or seen anyone use drugs at the fraternity house? Had he witnessed or taken part in any other activity which might be against the law? How was he recruited to join the fraternity?