He let his eyelids drift shut and set the toe of his shoe against the counter to rock the chair. He didn’t go home much during the busy season. Summer months, Christmases and New Years’, long weekends, Malcolm would stay in his room on site. It made more sense when one got finished at two in the morning and had to start again at seven to stay where one was. Therefore, his plan was as simple as most nights: two glasses of white, followed by a sleeping pill and a stumble through the back hall to the unmarked, unnumbered doors of the servant’s quarters of the manor. Though politically incorrect, the term still stuck, fitting in both appropriateness and historical accuracy. Malcolm didn’t mind the cramped quarters of the eight-by-ten room, though. It was included as a perk of the job, there were no bugs, and while the mattress was in no way as comfortable as the one on his own queen-sized bed at home, it was comfortable enough for an exhausted body to give five or so hours to.