Chapter 4

“And your organization isn’t?” Ben asked in disbelief, considering what he thought it probably was, and what the people who worked there did.

“Not it the least,” Durand replied before Ray could. “We have men, women, straight and gay, all races and creeds working for us.”

Ben decided it was time to get down to the nitty-gritty. “Doing what?”

“On the one hand, protecting those who need our help. On the other, eliminating those who deserve it. That doesn’t always mean killing them, but it’s a viable option when necessary.”

“That was straight to the point.”

Durand smiled. “Would you have preferred it if I beat around the bush?”

“Not really.” Ben got up, going over to one of the paintings. Not that he looked at it, but it gave him a reason to separate himself from them so that he could think about what Durand had said.