“Only in your bedroom. I saw you and Ben through your living room window yesterday morning, and again in the afternoon.”
Ez shook his head as he drove the van out of the lot. “Of course she jumped to conclusions.”
“Well, duh,” she replied. “I bet I’m right.” She looked between Ben and Zach. “Right?”
“No bet,” Zach said with a shrug.
By then they were heading toward the highway a few blocks from Ez’s place. “Do you have somewhere in mind?” Ben asked.
“Yep,” Ez said. “A nice lake in the middle of miles and miles of fields. Since it’s a weekday, there shouldn’t be too many people around.”
Obviously not willing to be deflected, Hayley said, “Tell all.”
Zach did, but not the way she meant, describing in detail what they had done to stop Irene Leyton’s stalker.
Hayley let him finish, because it was a good story according to her. Only then did she say, “That is not what I meant and you know it.”