Chapter 20

When he was about to doze off, a single pound hit his left eardrum. His spine shook in shock, waking up the rest of his body with a jolt that banged his wrists up against the steering wheel. He hissed and sat up, holding his hands together and looking at the window. A face was pressed to the glass with golden hair browning at the top from the change in season, nose squished wide by the glass, and large palms with fingers splayed like they were reaching for the stars. He was smiling off the tail-end of a naughty laugh. River was so shocked to see him that he opened the door without thinking. The moment they were no longer separated, Luke’s lips were over his, and those star-catching fingers caught River’s vibrant cheeks.

When their soft, swelling skin separated, River didn’t know how his next words came out sounding so beautiful for he was sure he didn’t have a shred of breath left in his body. “I missed you.”