Chapter 28

“What do you mean, is that what I want? Are you asking if I want to beat you up, slam you into a wall, fuck you without lube, and then bite you so hard even vampire healing might not be enough to fix it?”

“Well, yeah.” Gideon frowned. “You can’t say I haven’t done the same to you, Jess. More than once. Maybe not the beating up part, though I’ve certainly paddled and whipped you to that point before.”

“The difference is that I told you right up front that I wanted you to do those things. My consent is pretty unambiguous…and quite frankly, I wasn’t really interested in yours.”

Slowly, understanding began to dawn. “And you’re afraid you’re going to start extrapolating that kind of non-restraint on the world at large.”

“Yes. I get now why everybody’s so worried about your influence.” Jesse’s eyes widened. “Not that I think this was due to your influence. Just that…it’s frightening. All this power that I don’t know what to do with…”