“That’s acting. He’s in character. Shouldn’t you be rehearsing or something? I’m very sure you should.”
“I’m awesome and you know it. You’ve seen Adrenaline Spike, right? With that shirtless fight scene in the rain at the end? The one that goes on for like fifteen minutes and feels like someone reallywanted to stare at Jason Mirelli all wet and glistening and made of muscles? If you haven’t seen it you so need to.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.” Colby absolutely did not currently possess a copy of Adrenaline Spikeon his laptop, either. And if he did it’d been for research purposes. Clearly. “By the way, I’d advise against smuggling any sort of barnyard fowl onto the set. Jill doesn’t like chickens.”
“Who doesn’t like chickens?” Leo regarded him, swinging that boot more. “Anyway, that’d be repetitive. Maybe something with marshmallows. You know I’m here if you need, like, pick-up line advice, right?”