
Chapter 54

“I love you and your catering,” Leo said to Jill. “I want to marry your catering.”

“Speaking as your pretend wife,” Kate put in, Irish lilt making every word mischievously fairylike, “I think I should object.”

“I can share,” Leo said. “There’s enough of me to go around.”

“There will be,” Andy said, “if you eat all of that.”

“This one really is good,” Colby said. “Do you think they’d be willing to share their recipe? I don’t think it’s quite the same as mine, and I’d love to know.”

“If that means you’ll cook for us I’m in favor,” Leo put in, around a mouthful of chicken and peanut sauce.

“I’ll ask, if you want,” Jill said. “I’m sure they’d tell you. Probably not me, but, unlike me, you know things about cooking.”

“Hey, Jason,” John said. “Can I ask you a question? Since we were talkin’ about awesome co-stars, earlier.”

“Um,” Jason said. “Sure?”