Colby’s heart, and other parts, decided that sweet relentless pleasure, wrung out of his shaking body over and over by those large hands and that eloquent mouth, sounded like an experience he’d quite appreciate.
Jason added, at this point, “Take off your clothes.”
“So we aredoing this now.” Terribly confusing signals, and in all likelihood an equally terrible idea, but his fingers had already moved to shirt-buttons. Traitorous fingers. His cock twitched.
“I told you. You are. Clothes.”
“Ah. You like watching me strip? Is that it? Because if we’re recreating that scene from Local News, you remember that half the point was that I was dreadful at it, I was meant to be, tripping over my own pants, but it was supposedly adorable, so he would come kiss me anyway—” He was undoing buttons while talking. Trying to make it slow. Flirtatious. A show, if Jason liked that.