Chapter 17

Sullivan scraped the last of the egg off the plate and set his fork down, waiting patiently for Rafe to finish. “I appreciate everything you’re doing for me,” he said in all seriousness. “But I don’t understand why.”

So many ways to answer that. Rafe swallowed and replied, “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

“You don’t know me. I’ve probably done things that would give any decent person nightmares.”

“But you said it yourself. You’re done. Everybody deserves a second chance.” The sudden flare in Sullivan’s eyes drove Rafe’s back to his plate, unable to bear the heated hope his words had elicited. He believed what he said. He’d lived it, after all. But he hadn’t been prepared for how badly Sullivan obviously needed that validation. “Who gave you my name? You didn’t just make me up out of thin air.”