A full minute passed. Sullivan exhaled without a sound.
Both thuds had come from the same portion of the outer wall, the one farthest from the house. If they had been on the other side, he might have assumed Belle had come outside for something, but the opposite end of the garage emptied onto open field. There weren’t even any houses in that direction, just the road stretching away from Chadwick and onto the next small town. An animal of some kind, scrounging for food? Perhaps. He was probably overreacting, but his gut told him to check it out.
He found his pants crumpled on the floor. The fabric rustled as he dressed, but Rafe gave no indication of waking. Sullivan didn’t bother with shoes. Out and in. He only needed to confirm that nothing was amiss before climbing back into bed.
The instant he opened the door, he knew something was wrong.