Chapter 45

The fact that he didn’t blame Sullivan the same way only occurred to him after he’d already opened his mouth to aver his ignorance of anything Sheriff might have seen.

“You’re not really going to turn them over to their father, are you?” he asked instead.

Sheriff smiled, a sad little moue that put years into his eyes. “As tempting as it is, no. They’ll get a proper sentence.”

“Jail time?”

“If I have my way.”

Which was a yes, because Sheriff always got his way.

“When that happens, your friend won’t have an easy time of it,” he continued. “People aren’t going to take too kindly to his being free when they’re not.”

Rafe frowned. “But he didn’t do anything wrong. They’re the ones who broke the law.”

“Doesn’t matter. He’s not the one who was born and raised here. That’s what people are going to remember, not the fact he got burned out of his home.”

“He saved Belle’s life.”

“Now, technically, you did that.”