He kept his knock quiet, for fear of disturbing what few neighbors she had. Movement echoed from within, and a few seconds later, the door opened. Maria took one look at him, tightened her mouth, and waved him inside.
She was already dressed for the day, her hair pulled back into its utilitarian ponytail. The smell of coffee set his stomach grumbling, and she glanced between him and the kitchen with a frown before making up her mind.
“Would you like a cup?” she asked.
He followed because he didn’t feel comfortable waiting in her living room like a guest to be served. Maria didn’t pay any attention to him as she poured a cup to match the one already sitting on the small kitchen table. She added a dollop of cream without being asked. He would have been pleased by the realization she knew how he liked his coffee if he didn’t know it was only because she’d served him so often at the restaurant.