“You look troubled.” Rene frowns, and he sniffs the air a little.
“Quit it,” Evan groans.
“What?” Rene looks confused.
“Scenting the air like that! I know you can read my emotions from it. It’s nosey,” Evan complains.
“I can’t read all emotions. Not everything has a scent. And I can’t help it. It’s in our nature to use all of our senses when we talk to people. I guess maybe it does give us an unfair advantage,” Rene replies.
“Can you try not to read me like that? Sometimes I’d like to be able to keep things to myself,” Evan says, his face flushing.
He doesn’t want Rene to know many things about him, his continued desire only being one of them.
“Okay, I can try.” Rene nods, being more reasonable than Evan expected.
“I don’t want to ask you to go against your nature. I’d never ask that. But I think anyone can understand not wanting to share too much with someone they’re working with,” Evan says.