Chapter 19

His ill temper carried through the rest of the morning. He snapped at two different clients and accidentally erased an entire worksheet in Excel, which required a special trip to IT and the embarrassing request that they retrieve it off the Carbonite backup because he had no idea how to work that damn thing. By lunchtime, he was ready to gnaw off his own arm in his sour hunger and stormed out of the office in search of the juiciest, most fattening hamburger he could find in a three-block radius.

His phone rang as he settled into the end stool at a bar around the corner that specialized in greasy food and cheap beer. “Hello,” he snapped when he answered.

“Whoa there.” Trev’s amused voice cut through his fog. “I called at a bad time, didn’t I?”

“The whole day is a bad time,” he muttered, then rubbed his hand hard over his face, as if that would scrub away his mood. “Let’s try that again. Hi.”

“Hi. So what’s going on?”

“Don’t ask.”

“I already did.”