Chapter 15

His mother might not say she loves him often, but she shows it in little things. She doesn’t just do things for appearances like some families. Like she knows only Arkady would see the changes to his apartment, the food in his kitchen. She did that just because she wanted to, because she loves him.

“She’s a good mother. We’re not an emotional family, but I know she cares,” Arkady says

“We don’t always say I love you with words.” Prisha sits down and gets comfortable. She looks at home in Arkady’s place, and he finds himself hoping this won’t be the last time he sees her here. 5

Slowly, on two feet and two crutches, Arkady makes his way to the gym area, where he’s had physical therapy for weeks. Prisha’s waiting for him by a weight bench, and Arkady makes it past other people working out with their PT trainers.

“Morning, sunshine,” Prisha says brightly as Arkady sits on the bench next to hers.