Chapter 20

He was raised by two very closed off people. His parents weren’t openly affectionate, not to him or each other, not really. His mother’s been a little softer since his accident, and she always was the slightly more emotional one. But Arkady’s parents are academics, with little time for emotions, let alone emotional outbursts.

“You look like you’ve kept in good shape. Not tempted to slack off at all, ever?” Cade asks.

“I let myself eat more of what I want now. I used to eat so healthy, but I still work out, mainly at home. I do physical therapy with Prisha twice a week. She lets me use the gym there because I don’t want to go to my old gym,” Arkady admits. His body is still strong, still muscular, apart from the weakness in his leg. He’s also given up smoking most of the time, so that’s improved his health a little. He hadn’t though he’d smoked enough for it to really impact his wellbeing, but he’s noticed he can work out a little harder than before.