Chapter 23

“I will. This is so crazy. Second time this year I’ve ended up in the hospital. I mean, someone tried to kill me in my own apartment. That’s fucked up. Can you text Prisha? She’ll text me tonight about the date. I don’t want her to get no response and worry. And she works here. Someone might tell her that someone she knows is in the hospital,” Arkady says, one thought jumping to another. He can hardly focus, but he knows he doesn’t want to worry Prisha and that he’ll be getting the locks changed on his apartment and extra security.

“Of course. I’ll text her now.” Cade takes his hand off of Arkady, and he misses the feel of it as soon as it’s gone.

“Umm, she’s on her way,” Cade says sheepishly not even five minutes later.

“What? What did you say to her?” Arkady asks.

“I kind of told her the truth, that you were attacked and were in the hospital, and that you’d be fine,” Cade admits.

“You know how much of a mother hen she is! Of course, that’ll worry her.” Arkady groans.