Chapter 38

“My body’s not like yours: not a lot of muscles, a little soft around the middle, but I’m an artist. I sit inside all day working. Your body is so beautiful.” Cade sounds a little insecure, and Arkady doesn’t like that. He doesn’t need Cade to have abs to want him.

Arkady pushes Cade’s shirt up so his stomach and chest are on show. Then Arkady leans in and presses a trail of kisses over Cade’s flesh. His skin is soft and warm. He’s a healthy weight, not stick thin. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t spend all his time in the gym, not to Arkady. “I like your body just fine the way it is, and I want to see more of it.” Arkady presses another kiss to Cade’s skin, this one just beside his nipple.

“Want to move to the couch? We can stretch out without hurting your leg.”