Chapter 10

“Hmm, is that what you want me to say? Okay. You were right, I was wrong, and I’ll never doubt you again.”

His head flopped back onto the bed. “But it was okay, right? You’re not having second thoughts or anything?”

“It was okay. I’m not sure if I have second thoughts. She seemed really nice.” Brandon settled on his side, his leg still draped over Seth, his hand absently moving up and down Seth’s chest. “And I feel a bit like a jerk.”

That was mostly what Seth was afraid of. This was the life Seth had known for almost ten years. He had little qualms stealing from people who made more money doing nothing than those who slaved double shifts and holidays just to make ends meet. Anyone with such conspicuous consumption deserved whatever they got.

But Brandon, at heart, was a good person. Much better than Seth. More moral. It was part of why Seth adored him so much, but it was also the one thing that might get in their way.