With that in mind, he went into the nearest stall and shut the door behind him. Another low moan from the other side of the thin door, and his cock stirred to life.
This close, he could hear much more than he could outside the stalls. Like the harsh breaths getting stifled by mouths sealing together. Like the little grunts Seth made when he was too aroused to care about niceties. Like the rustle of fabric being pulled against hot flesh. He imagined one or the both of them clawing at their clothing, tearing it free of its confines, but when he heard Seth’s muttered order about the condom, his heart nearly stopped. Their ensuing conversation had him bracing one hand against the separating wall, his other fumbling with his fly.
“Oh, my God…” Caryn mumbled. All movement ceased, all sound vanishing. He couldn’t even hear them breathing.