Chapter 6

“Yeah, I think I’ll call it a night.”

“What?” Both Ellis and Gilbert stared at him.

“I’m not in the mood.”

“You’re not in the mood to get laid?” Ellis rubbed his forehead. “Why have I been seeing a bird all day if you were gonna spring something like this on us? I don’t like being caught off guard, Nash. It’s no way to treat a friend—especially not a psychic friend.”

Nash sighed. “I had no idea we were friends.”

Ellis gave him the finger which made Nash feel a little better. “It’s not a big deal, I’m just tired.”

“And you decided that now?” Ellis lowered his glasses again to study him. Nash shrugged.

“You wanna go howl at the moon or something?” Gilbert frowned at him, so Nash took the opportunity to flip him off.

“I’m…bored.” Maybe he was ill? He had a funny feeling in his stomach, and the scent from the guy in the coffee shop was still clinging to his nostrils no matter how much perfume the pub goers had doused themselves in.