Chapter 3

Jason had curled into a protective crunch. As Casa knelt beside him, the fallen man began to unfold, inch by inch. Casa could see the tension and pain on the older man’s face, even before he’d stretched out and rolled over to try to get up.

“Hang on. The bull’s gone. Take your time. You don’t have to jump up and haul ass.”

By then the bullfighters were back, moving in close to help the fallen rider to his feet if he needed the assistance. They, too, sensed everything might not be not all right and paused in their reach to grab Jason by his arms.

Very slowly, he got up on all fours, but stopped there, breathing in fast, uneven gasps. The imprint of one massive hoof stood out clearly on the leather of his chaps, about halfway between the right knee and ankle. Hissing a ragged sigh as he started to push up with his right leg, Jason leaned to the other side. That was when Casa knew for sure he was hurt.