Tuesday morning he awoke knowing what he was going to do—or not do. The more he thought about it, the more he knew why they had never told him. He was certain it had to do with the fact that his father had been adopted, too. He’d told Theo more than once about what had happened when, at the age of ten, his parents had finally told him.
“I hated them for the longest time for keeping it a secret. It made me feel as if they thought I was too stupid to understand, or that I wasn’t as good, I suppose, as I would have been if I was their natural child. It took me a long while to realize they were afraid that…well, that I’d react the way I did, I guess. Of course because they’d waited so long it made it seem worse than it was, at least in my mind. If they’d told me when I was young, and made a big thing about how they had chosen me because I was special, I’d have accepted it with no problem.”