“All this is presuming she didn’t change her name once the adoption was finalized,” he grumbled as he set to work. “If she did, finding her now could be virtually impossible.”
By mid-afternoon he had his list, and it was longer than he’d expected. There were no Lilliana Nicholes on it, but there were over fifteen Lillianas with Nas a middle initial, and dozens more with no middle initial.
Copying the list to another file, he began correlating it in terms of addresses at the time of Theo’s birth—when he had that information, which he did for a little over half of them.
He was almost finished when his server let him know he, or rather the agency, had a new email. At first glance, he thought it was probably another spam as the subject line said ‘To whom it may concern’. He decided to open it anyway. If nothing else, I might get a laugh at what they’re trying to con me into.