Chapter 21

His thoughts were confirmed when the men ended their conversation and went through different doors into what he presumed were their offices.

With that settled, and having a good idea of what he might be dealing with, if it came down to it and his warning was ignored, the brother left, returning to his hotel and what he had to do next.

* * * *

“I think you’re crazy,” Ethan said when Ric came into his office half an hour after the agency opened to tell him what he had planned.

“But you’re okay with it?” Ric replied, resting his butt on the edge of Ethan’s desk.

“No, I’m not, but I know I can’t stop you, so I’ll do my best to make certain you come out of it alive.”

“You be careful, too,” Ric warned. “He’ll probably come after me, if the threat was serious, but it is your agency. Unless he’s stupid, he’ll figure I’ve reported everything I’ve found out to you.”

Ethan nodded. “I know. I think it’s time Susan pays a visit to her family.”