“Louis, what would your father say? He worked so hard to leave you a fine heritage, building on the foundation his father had left for him. How can you allow it to vanish as if their work never was?”
Cathie and Angie were almost as bad. The three of them were about to drive him crazy.
Maybe that was why the calm, quiet, clear air of New Mexico seemed so wonderful. For sure, one blond, blue-eyed cowboy did not have a single nag, question or demand, which made him great company. That and a few other matters.
An eager expectation skittered along his nerves. He got up, showered, shaved and dressed. Time to get some coffee anyway and maybe breakfast. Spark had mentioned the possibility of a ride up into the lower foothills of the Gila today. That sounded almost as good as a couple more hours in the hot tub. The tub could wait for tonight if they didn’t find something else equally or even more delicious to do.