“What about timeframe?” Ford cocked his head with a dangerous grin.
“If you assume it took a handful of minutes for them to get inside while avoiding the cameras,” Andrew said, “they then had to bypass security guards to get upstairs, move across the floor, download Dalton’s files, grab the equipment, and they were gone. So, twenty, twenty-five minutes tops?
“They were in a hurry too. I don’t think the broken equipment was purposeful. Otherwise, with this clean of a getaway, since we know it wasn’t you,” he teased Ford, “they’d almost have to be superhuman.”
“Such flattery.” Ford grinned wider.
“Ahem.” Kevin cleared his throat—Andrew really needed to stop getting pulled into their banter. “If police are at a loss with suspects, what about intent? What could someone do with this equipment and research? You already mentioned building a bomb.”
“Plenty of easier ways to do that,” Dalton said.