Chapter 37

“It’s spring,” Andrew said, but the smile didn’t leave his face as he reached into a bottom desk drawer and produced a small bottle and a condom.

“And you chided me the other day.”

“Always be prepared.” Andrew shrugged.

“Are you a Boy Scout?”

Andrew made a point of reaching between his legs to palm himself through his slacks. “Not today.”

Surging forward, Isaac ripped the bottle and condom from his hands to place on the corner of the desk and dipped him back across its surface, nipping at his lips and raking his hands up beneath Andrew’s sweater.

Just as he was about to rip the offending article over Andrew’s head, he saw the desk chair and the window with its closed blinds. “I have a better idea.”

After leading Andrew around the desk, he pulled the chair out of the way and then turned to open the blinds, just enough so they could see the bustle of people outside, but the passersby couldn’t see them. Not unless they looked closely.