Chapter 44

He handed the copy to Andrew, and despite its roughened state, Andrew excitedly started paging through it as soon as they moved to the kitchen table, like it was some glorious prize.

Watching him, amused by every snicker and gasp as Andrew read, Isaac tried not to think about how, despite all their romps together, he’d finally bought Andrew dinner.

Then suddenly Andrew stopped.


“Are my T-shirt and sweats here?”

Isaac almost dissolved into laughter when Luke appeared in the doorway.

“Are you going to enjoy your date all night or are we hitting the road?”

Date. They both took a moment to recover from that.

“Sorry.” Andrew set the book aside with a shamefaced shrug. They’d finished eating a while ago, but somehow, Isaac had lost track of time.

“Just making sure our new recruit doesn’t faint on the job,” Isaac said. “Let’s get going.”