Chapter 21

“Wiley?” Jackson said softly.

“What?” I demanded.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, but I think we might have a problem.”13: The Long Way Home

With Tony on my hip, we began walking, the driving snow all but blinding us.

I was surprised—scared was the more correct word—at how fierce the snow had become, and how quickly. Needless to say, I had never experienced anything like this in Mississippi.

Tony seemed rather bewildered and yet oddly calm, clinging to me, his breath forming little clouds as we walked. I was terrified he was going to catch a chill and get sick. Worse, we had not thought to bring his medications, and I did not want to interrupt his schedule for taking them

It was going to look very bad for us with Heather Duport.

“It’s only three miles,” Jackson said defensively as we followed along with others who had abandoned their cars.

“I don’t want him to get sick!”

Jackson stopped, adjusted Tony’s scarf so it covered his nose and mouth.

Are you cold?Jackson signed.