“Don’t give me the ‘God is in charge’ thing, not when so many babies are starving to death in shit holes all over the globe, not when there’s so much evil and so many horrible things happening and so many people dying, so many kids who need homes, so much general bullcrap and fuckery from one end of this planet to the other. If God’s in charge, why doesn’t he do something?”
“What makes you think he isn’t?”
“From where I’m sitting, he’s doing a crap job—and that’s being polite.”
“From where you’re sitting, perhaps. I’m sure you’ve heard the story about the man who complained to God about these things. ‘God, why aren’t you doing something?’ the man asked. And God answered and said, rather simply, ‘Why aren’t you?’ God already did the work, you see. He set up his church. He showed the way forward. He laid it all out pretty clearly. And the thing is, God doesn’t have hands. Or feet. God is a spirit. Without us, God can do nothing. Ever think of that?”