Chapter 5

If he hasn’t done that before, I’ll eat my hat.Stace grinned. Then he noticed the bulge under the right side of the other man’s untucked shirt. “Just a minute,” he said. “I’ll have to take that cell phone, Jared. We don’t allow them on any of our rides or other trips.”

Jared turned to him with an expression close to a snarl. “I can’t be out of touch,” he said. “What if there’s an emergency?”

Stace shook his head. “Nope, we have communications in case there’s an accident, and the fellow who handles the admin stuff for the boss can contact us on the two-way radio if, say, a guest’s relative got in an accident or anything. The purpose of your stay is to have a break in the routine. Let me have the phone. I’ll put it in a secure locker here in the tack room until we get back.”

Jared mumbled something that sounded both angry and rude, but he jerked the clip off his belt and tossed Stace the phone.